Land of the Forbidden Coconut
Well it has been almost a month since I’ve visited Singapore, but for various reasons, I slacked on computer usage. But Singapore is sweet and it well deserves its own blog post.
Thing is, I am currently stranded once again somewhere in Indonesia; The forth (out of four) massively delayed travel attempt. This time, my flight got canceled and I have to wait a day for the next one in a town the Lonely Planet describes as “a place of passing interest“. Better than the last town I got stranded in, though (“not a pretty place“), and this one got some Internet. Time for a blog post.
Singapore turned out as a welcome chance from backcountry-Asia (they have cheese there! Actually, walking through a grocery store makes you feel like being in a Wal Mart, just a bit smaller and without those people too fat to walk for themselves and thus much more likable). Better, Singapore is to be best described as one massive shopping mall, seriously impossible to escape those. A hyper-modern place with fascinating people from all over Asia. As a matter of fact, I had a security guard astonishing me with better English than some of my university professors back home. This place is future.
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I also had a heard-warming couchsurfing experience once again (including a maid), cheers to the beautiful people. Have to note, though, not to put pork in a Muslim’s family freezer ever again. Ouch. Plus, those Singapurians mean what they put on their DO-NOT-DO-THAT-signs. E.g., eating and drinking in the subway (definitely including coconuts), do not attempt (500$ fine), no, do not. Singapore, the Fine City.