Praise the Wombat
Rainday. Restday. Internetday. Reason enough for one of those sparse update here within (does anyone out there actually care? I’ve now spent over an hour on this!), after all it’s been almost three weeks since I’ve left Oz and a lot has happened since. But I’m slacking, no hurries, mate, as the Aussies would say, thus one step at a time. Featured continent of the day: Australia!
Randomness had me stay for precisely one month, as it turned out, down in Down Under. After couchsurfing Sydney for about a week, I decided on a spontaneous road-trip some thousand kilometers up the coast, from Melbourne to Adelaide. Of course, it was great times and even the Japanese groups posing in front of the Twelve Apostles somewhat amusing; but I don’t need to tell you about those, you’ve heard the stories, you’ve seen the pictures. The things that were much rather interesting were the small pleasures of life, e.g. camping on a golf course, bouldering in sandstone-paradise of the Grampians, or those funny creatures hopping ’round the camp-spots, trying to steal some of your freshly-grilled Spam (Uh yes, Spam indeed). Correct, we were living up the camping (or as some might call it, the cheap) life, because Australia is, apart from being massively huge and vast and wild and beautiful, mainly: ridiculously expensive (especially coming from Asia leaves you with a rise of prices of literally 3000%).
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My favorite little place, however, was the island of Tasmania. It had the deepest blue I’ve ever seen, anywhere on this planet. This fact alone made me stop about a hundred times, gazing down some 200m cliff-face straight into the ocean, and think out loud: ‘Wuuh.’ A magnificent and fascinating place; Driving around, in this vast remoteness, is a treat by itself: You’ll get the most stunning landscape without seeing anyone else, for hours (minus the millions of road-kills of which you could feed a smaller city with and the Wallabies obviously trying to commit suicide, for whatever reason). And above all, I’ve seen the most adorable living thing imaginable and from now on my official favorite animal of all times: A Wombat. A life-changing experience.
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ma..per post is keiner kuma!
es hört auf den namen willibald. einfach durchfragen!
doch, es gibt fotos, zwei. eines unscharf (haende zitterten vor nervositaet, tatsaechlich ein wombat in freier wildbahn zu erspaehen), eines scharf (sollte vielleicht diesem post angefuegt werden, bei gelegenheit). keep posted.
willibald ist mir unterdessen zugelaufen, er versteht sich blendend mit knut. frisst nur ein bisschen viel, das schlaegt aufs budget, so ein wombat im van. haltet aber schoen warm, in der nacht.
mein wombat schon gefunden?
:))) wombat… nice!
I dived Bali yesterday for the first time, and waters here are also of some unbelievable sapfire color!
i hans gegoogelt. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. MOI! will a wombat! bringsch mr a wombat mit? und wie nennen mrs denn? i wills willibald nennen. isch des okay für di? willibald, das wombat. bin verliebt.
was wombat? wie wombat? wieso gibts do ka foto vo diesem tier?